18 susuga i faiaoga sa faauuina ile Asō ile mae’a ai ole aoaoga ale Get Into Rugby PLUS ma lana faigapaaga male Matagaluega o Tinā ma Tamaitai, Atinae o Afioaga ma Agafesootai mole 8 Aso mo faiaoga o aoga maualuluga ile motu tele i Salafai.
Sa saunoa le lauga na aami le afioga ia Leilua Dr Mema Motusaga ma lona agaga faagaeetia e tusa ai ma le faigapaaga ale Matagaluega male Lakapi Samoa mole faalauiloaina o tomai ma agavaa ile lakapi male fesootaiga ile taofia o le sauaina o tina ma tamaitai.faapea fanau i soo se siosiomaga. Ma ole agaga faafetai ole fausiaina male faamalosia o aoaoga, auala ma metotia e fesoasoani ai uunaia o le ola saogalemu o tina ma tamaitai faapea alo ma fanau i totonu osi o tatou atunuu. I sana faamalosiau sa ia momoli faatamalii se laei faatonutonuala i susuga i faiaoga ina
“Ia lototele ma ia onosai mo o outou valaauina”
Na momoli le faafetai tele ale afioga ile Pulesili ole Lakapi Samoa; afioga Faleomavaega Vincent Fepuleai, i susuga i faiaoga ua faauuina i le motu tele i Salafai e tusa ai ma lo latou naunautaiga mole atinaeina ole taaloga aemaise ose feau taumolimoli ole polokalame ale Get Into Rugby PLUS. Sa faaleoina foi le agaga faafetai i le Peresitene o pule aoga o aoga maualuluga I Samoa le susuga ia Sale Faletolu faapea le mamalu I pule aoga o aoga uma ua mafai ona taupati mai i le faamoemoe mo lona uluai taimi ile motu tele i Salafai
Message from Oceania Rugby
Malo Talofa
On behalf of Oceania Rugby, and our partners, congratulations to each of the individuals graduating today as new Get into Rugby PLUS Coaches.Today you join a special family, that is spread across Samoa and in Fiji, all of whom are part of a special program – that is about far more than just rugby.Get into Rugby PLUS is humble and yet powerful. It brings together life skills learning with rugby… and makes a very real impact on behaviours, gender equality, and preventing violence against women, girls and boys. And, at the heart of this program, is its coaches. Going forward, you will each play a special role in the lives of the players in your team, as a Coach, role-model and trusted leader.
On behalf of Oceania Rugby, fa’afetai lava for your leadership and contribution.
Congratulations and welcome to the Get into Rugby PLUS family!
Erin Hatton
Oceania Rugby
Sport for Development & Partnerships Manager

Get into Rugby PLUS is a flagship Sport for Development programme that embeds life skills learning with rugby union to promote positive behaviours, support gender equality, and prevent violence against women, girls and boys.
The programme includes integrated life skills learning components which build the confidence and resilience of young people, promote respectful relationships, and challenge gender stereotypes.
Get into Rugby PLUS is a Sport for Development programme jointly developed and implemented by Lakapi Samoa, Oceania Rugby, UN Women, and ChildFund Rugby.